is a free video sharing website for people who serve Yeshua HaMashiach.
If you are using a mobile device, our site will reformat automatically to fit your device. There is no need for an app.

Vulgarity is not allowed here.

To use this site you must believe that the Son of Elohim (God) the Messiah (HaMashiach) came to this Earth in the flesh and was born of a virgin about 2000 years ago.
We reserve all rights to remove or ban anyone for no reason. Access to this site does not constitute a continued obligation to provide service.
We are here to feed the sheep, not to entertain the goats.

Please help us. If each member donated only $10.00 per month we could pay our bills. Does that sound fair? Could you get through life on $10.00 less per month? We will choose videos from contributing members to be featured on our front page. Although not all will be featured, we will only choose from members who donate to this site. DONATE HERE

Our platform makes it easy to watch videos online. You can share videos from YouTube and Vimeo. We will allow video upload again once we are receiving enough donations to get a larger server. Additionally, you can share videos from to social media sites using the share option or embed them into your website. Invite your friends by sharing a video with them using their email address.


They Live And Snakes Shed Their Skin Fully Jabbed Can Return To Life Without Ma


Now it gets interesting, as those who been fully jabbed do not have to wear masks indoor or outdoor plus no social distancing!

As believers, you all must prepare now spiritually. Like never before,  YOU must take action now! REPENT, HOUSE OF YISRAEL! Then RISE UP, time to become WORKERS IN Yehovah'S VINEYARD! Soon, YOU will be called up, to give MEAT in this SEASON!

Matters are spiraling out of control on the world stage. Big changes are coming! The only way YOU will make it through the coming darkness, is if you have STRONG FAITH in Yehovah! Each of us will need to fully depend on Yehovah for OUR every need! Digital Currency is coming along with ID2020.
What you really need to do, is quite simple folks, whose BRIDE are you? Are you the Bride of Satan? Or the Bride of Yahushua?

If you are not right with our Elohim Yehovah, I beseech you to get right! There is still time to repent but that window is rapidly closing!

All who call on the name of Yeshua (Jesus) shall be SAVED! Yeshua told us to, "...listen to HIM as outlined in Matthew 17:5.

Matthew 17:5  While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.

plandemic, vaccination, mark of the beast, evil, biden, vax
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